Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Myth

And I encountered the redundant question once again: Arranged Marriage or Love Marriage?
I had a smile within and wondered if the later really exists!

My idea of that four letter word is very straight - if it's not blind, its not 'Love'. So what if people simplifies it for their convenience, i don't care.
If the trend to figure out your chemistry with someone from your caste and settle your equations with the bank-balance of your partner is what drives so called 'Love-Marriages', excuse me - i won't let you tag yourself with the sacred word! [Smiles] And if you are still wondering, looks, physique or figure too have no role to play here.

So, yes, given the 'matured' and 'practical' people all over, I don't see any Love-Marriages happening around. I assume the question is actually about self-arranged marriage or letting the privilege be with you parents. Fair enough -

Personally, I don't think, i am good at these things. Neither do I have time to invest here nor I have enough confidence to take the responsibility of that big decision. So, I will probably go with the traditional way!
I hope, life doesn't get boring after making such a public statement :)


Arpit said...

oh I was waiting for this. finally smthing is happening.

btw, u didnt define Love Marriage in ur article. looking at the way u have excluded methods of "Love Marriages" for really being called by that name, I feel u can hardly call any marriage as love.

Madhusudan Sarda said...

Yes, I think they are rare, very rare.
It's difficult for me to quote an example even from our bollywood movies.

Amit Kumar Singh said...

nice post... I like these line specially"
If the trend to figure out your chemistry with someone from your caste and settle your equations with the bank-balance of your partner is what drives so called 'Love-Marriages"
as people are veiling their selfish motives through the word 'LOVE'

Unknown said...

it's debatable, i have always felt it's all a game!!

Kanchan said...

My apologies !
But well said, i'd largely agree.