Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Bas Yun Hi

Mood: Lonely, Contemplative.
Companion: Hindi Music (All mixed).

It's not always that you feel so fresh at these hours of night. I wish to go out and sit roadside in this chilling night but my heart doesn't even bother to convey this to my mind as it already knows the answer.

I happenned to read some lines from someone's autobiography sometime back and I am still in the after-effect. I don't understand how people can express and more importantly admit their emotions so beautifully and publicly. I almost had my eyes wet. It felt like a wave of emotions running through my body in a split second. I, really, was touched. More so because I have known the person!


Kanchan said...

Lonely & contemplative? You are mostly in that mood aren't you?

Look forward to a post that has you completely upbeat!

Madhusudan Sarda said...

Yeah! I guess, I should try for that. Just nervous that the post won't look natural! :D

Arpit said...

gud one .... vaise u can try ULTRA MILD in these lonely scenarios ;-)

Madhusudan Sarda said...

Give me some no-cost option in this time of recession and I shall think about it.